Pueblo del Rio Housing

Pueblo del Rio Housing
The Housing Authority of Los Angeles commissioned this Pueblo del Rio project to serve as affordable, central city housing. African-American architect Paul Williams was the lead architect on a team that included Richard Neutra. Completed in 1942, the resulting procession of two-story brick housing units was designed with affordability in mind. For example, instead of a wide array of materials, paint was used to accent certain features. Lines and forms are carefully placed to create a pleasing symmetry in all relationships. The design for the community room bears traces of Neutra’s signature styles, particularly in the use of sliding glass doors that recall his work at the Corona and Emerson Schools.
Adapted from Neutra – Complete Works by Barbara Lamprecht (Taschen, 2000), p. 168.
Project Detail
Year Built
Project Architect
Richard Neutra with Paul R. Williams, Gordon Kaufman, Adrian Wilson, Wurdeman u0026 Becket
Housing Authority of Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA