Kilbury House

Shulman Photo Archive Getty Research Institute.

Kilbury House


In his design for the Kilbury House, Richard Neutra complemented the use simple materials with his characteristically refined lines. A gabled roof hangs over the Palos Verdes home, which overlooks Redondo Bay and the Santa Monica mountains beyond it. Inside, Neutra used long span windows, white ceilings, dark beams, and a masonry fireplace as the primary design elements. His cleverly set windows maximize the views, including in the kitchen where the wrap around the countertop offering an expansive panorama, while the family and guest rooms on the lower level also look out onto the ocean.

Adapted from Neutra – Complete Works by Barbara Lamprecht (Taschen, 2000), p. 304.

Project Detail

Year Built


Project Architect

Richard Neutra


Palos Verdes, CA