Kelton Apartments

Kelton Apartments
Richard Neutra invested his own funds as a partner in the Kelton Apartments project, the third and smallest apartment project he undertook in Westwood. In his design, Neutra cleverly disguised the triplex as a large gracious house. The L-shaped structure is located on a sloping site, with the shorter leg stepping down the hill and toward the street. The two ground floor units are separated by a tall stucco wall while the third unit is located on the second floor. On the ground floor, the two units do not have a monolithic façade but rather have planes that playfully advance and recede by several feet, engaging with the landscape, while the top floor maintains its clean rectilinearity.
Adapted from Neutra – Complete Works by Barbara Lamprecht (Taschen, 2000), p. 164.
Project Detail
Year Built
Project Architect
Richard Neutra
Richard Neutra
Westwood, CA