John and DeVee Clark House

Julius Shulman photography archive, 1936-1997.

John and DeVee Clark House


Richard Neutra designed this house on a site that looked out over Pasadena and the mountains beyond it. John Clark, a choral director and musician, and his family occupied the modest, three-bedroom space. A Japanese landscape design—complete with water, rocks, trees, and plants—complements the house’s architectural gestures. For example, the landscaping guides the visitor in a slow and winding arrival to a front door and entry that is nearly concealed from view. Inside, careful detailing, including built-in cabinets in the master bedroom, demonstrate Neutra’s attention to detail.

Adapted from Neutra – Complete Works by Barbara Lamprecht (Taschen, 2000), p. 319.

Project Detail

Year Built


Project Architect

Richard Neutra


John and DeVee Clark


Pasadena, CA