Frank E. and Kathryn M. Davis House

Shulman Photo Archive Getty Research Institute.

Frank E. and Kathryn M. Davis House


This house for Frank and Kay Davis is indicative of Richard Neutra’s early approach to home design. For this project and many other contemporaneous ones, Neutra pursued advice from local craftsman such as Robert Pike who would advise him regarding local construction practices and engineering solutions. The resulting 1500-square-foot home featured interiors composed of mahogany plywood and was well received by Kay Davis, who wrote to Neutra about the ease with which housework could be completed with the paneled woodwork.

Adapted from Neutra – Complete Works by Barbara Lamprecht (Taschen, 2000), p. 126.

Project Detail

Year Built


Project Architect

Richard Neutra with Peter Pfisterer


Frank E. and Kathryn M. Davis


Bakersfield, CA
