Below are a selection of sketches made during Richard Neutra various travels digitized and archived as part of the Richard and Dion Neutra Papers, 1925-1970 at the University of California, Los Angeles’ Special Collections Library. This gallery will continue to be updated and is currently a work in progress.
Bergamo, 1913Big Sur, 1960Blytheburgh, 1948Barrel Archways and VaultedAntiguaArdenArdenArden, 195012 Tatami, HakoneBach G dur Suite. 1922Universidad, Mexico, 1957 Una Tarde De Toros, Mexico, December 12, 1937 VaudijonUnidentified BuildingUnidentified Building, 1918Vancouver, 1946View Towards Unidentified BuildingsVolcano, Hila 1960View of a Hill Filled with Frees, 1918Windmill