Arthur Connell House
Arthur Connell House
Massy Mehdipour, who bought the 1958 Arthur Connell House in Pebble Beach finally prevailed against Monterey County and Monterey preservationists to demolish the property in 2024 to make way for another house to be designed for her. The 1958 house had been listed on the California Register of Historic Resources. As a “mitigation” she was required to prepare documentation of the house. This document was prepared by Erica Shultz and Sheila McElroy relying heavily on a previous document commissioned by the Alliance of Monterey Area Preservationists written by Barbara Lamprecht and Anthony Kirk. By following the link to USModernist you can learn about the now demolished house and see images of it.
Project Detail
Year Built
Project Architect
Richard Neutra
Arthur Connell
1170 Signal Hill RoadrnPebble Beach, Monterey County, CArn
Current Status
Demolished 2024